How to: Science Writing

Main Focus

The primary goal of science writing is to communicate an overarching idea to a general audience. Science communication is most effective when the writing (within any type of form) weaves a story around the subject to communicate the larger idea.

Genre Conventions

Infographic by Amy Foltz

  • The main convention that separates science from scientific writing is a strong focus on telling a story, constructing a narrative.
  • The “so what?” tends to highlight a larger public  ssue through examining a specific subject.
  • Writers aren’t conducting the research; they’re one step removed from the research.
  • The tone and language are accessible to the general public (broader audience).
  • Writers have an evenly balanced experience in the scientific and writing-based subjects
  • Resource/Reference: “What is Science Writing

Forms & Examples of Science Writing

Magazine article




Social media posts:




  • Use plain, widely accessible language
  • Use rhetorical devices to communicate specific idea
    • Metaphors
    • Analogies
    • Ethos, Pathos, Logos
  • Narrative form  
    • Character archetypes
    • Plot development
    • Use of front story
  • Respects the work and process of the research and the researchers

What to Avoid:

  • Extraneous detail
  • Field-specific jargon with no accompanying definitions
  • Opinionated conclusions
  • Misleading titles
  • Poor argument (lack of support)